Class of 2021 Announcements
Graduation Application
If you anticipate completing your degree requirements during the spring or summer of 2021, you must complete the Graduation Application on the main page of the RegisHub. This form is the only way the Office of the Registrar knows who to evaluate for possible graduation.
Cap and Gown
Orders are now being taken for cap and gowns! Please visit the Balfour website to place your order. Orders are due Sunday, March 21, 2021 by 11:59pm. For questions, please reach out to the Regis College Bookstore.
Kente Stole
For the sixth year, the Black Student Union, Multicultural Student Association, Center for Student Engagement, and Center for Inclusive Excellence are honored to provide the Kente Stole to all graduating students. At Regis, the Kente is worn as a symbol of inclusion and a celebration of academic accomplishment in our richly diverse community. BSU and MCSA are proud to announce that this year’s Kente Stole symbol is “Perseverance”. All graduating students are welcomed to order a Kente Stole and to wear with your cap and gown.
To order your Regis Kente Stole, please go to this form. Students are also welcomed to wear a stole from their country, which you would be responsible for purchasing on your own.
Lavender Graduation
The Gay Straight Alliance is happy to provide students who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies with rainbow tassels to recognize their achievements and contributions to the Regis community. Any undergraduate or graduate students who would like to receive a rainbow tassel that they may wear with their cap and gown may order a tassel here.
Veterans Cords
The Veterans Center and the Center for Student Engagement are pleased to provide military cords to graduates upon their commencement from the university. If you are a veteran or an active military service member, please request cords by Friday, April 2.
Additional Information
Please be sure to visit the Regis College Commencement Website throughout the rest of the semester for additional details and information.